About Us

The Beginning
Years ago, we began to notice the vast amount of materials available to students of languages like Turkish, Greek, Irish, Korean, and even Dutch. There are books, apps, flashcards, games, dictionaries, ect. The materials cater to a variety of language masteries. They not only teach words, but they show the culture behind the language as exciting and interesting. However, when looking materials available to isiZulu students we found only tourist guides and incomplete, dated, and even incorrect texts. These language materials were dull and gave little insight into the dynamic Zulu language of today.
We created what we could not find.....an in depth line of Zulu language learning materials! Zulunomics is the FIRST line of books, flashcards, apps, and study guides solely dedicated to isiZulu! Learners will find our products and and services to be bright, colorful, and extensive just like the Zulu language itself.
What Do We Hope To Achieve?
Create a community of Zulu students

Connect students of Zulu to one another

Facilitate international discussions and exchanges regarding the study of Zulu

Influence and normalize the in-depth study of Southern African languages, starting with Zulu.